Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Shopping!!!!!!!!

OK so I intentially started my Christmas shopping early this year, so I would not have to fight those long lines and crowds of people. Well I guess everyone else had the same idea. The last few weekends I did go shopping, they have not been so bad until YESTERDAY! Man every where we went lines of people at the checkout. Lines of cars to get around anywhere. Lines of people in the aisles. And to top it off nearly half of these people seem to be in a grumpy mood!!! Now really come on whats the deal! My mom and I were in Bath & Body Works my mom stood in line while I grabbed the items we were purchasing after waiting in line for I'd say oh 20 minutes we finally paid. I turned around to head down the aisle out of the very crowded store and some lady walking towards me with a wicker basket of candles whacks me so hard on the shoulder.As I realize what is happening I feel my sweater is snagged on her basket and she yanks it away nearly breaking her basket. As I regain my composer and walk away she didn't even apologize!! Now come on people is it really that important that you have to knock others over for. So after a long eventful day I am proud to say my shopping is complete. And if its not I do not plan to go out in that mess again!!!!! Next year I will shop online.....

1 comment:

Brittoni said...

but look at the bright side, you also got a lot of my shopping done for me tooo!!! I will forever love you for it.