Friday, December 19, 2008

So not much happened this week only that I thought I was experiencing the worst sickness ever. I started feeling really lousy on Sunday, and the on monday I still felt bad but thought once I get to work I'll be fine. But as the day went on I kept getting the achy feeling in my body and by that evening I thought I could no longer take it. So Tuesday morning I woke up with a fever. For 2 days this went on with hot and cold chills and the worst achyness in the world. So now I am on the road to recovery its just now a terrible cough. I think Robert is ready for it to be over I cough like every 5 minutes all night long. And I know the dogs a very annoyed over it because I toss and turn and cough all night long and they cant stay comfortable. SO I hope that none of you experience this because it really sucks. I am hoping today to get alot done. I am very behind on housework. yuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can you say not much happened? This was a huge week for your family......